Our offer includes import and export by air from all countries of the world.

We provide air transport services in two variants:

  1. Courier shipments - fast and economical door to door service with customs clearance. Parcel and multipack shipments
  2. CARGO shipments - transport of shipments with a unit weight of> 70 kg.

Our services include:

  • import and export of commercial goods, product samples, private shipments
  • courier transport door to door, the courier picks up and delivers the package
  • CARGO transport under various conditions also EXW and DAP
  • additional cargo insurance
  • customs service
  • redirecting the parcel to T1 to the chosen customs agency
  • Road distribution of shipments in Poland
  • Customs collateral security (which shortens the delivery time)
  • substantive support

For companies in the case of establishing permanent cooperation under the contract, we offer:

  • deferred payments for transport
  • deferred payments for customs and tax receivables
  • ordinary clearance and on the basis of a simplified procedure (deferred VAT)
  • fiscal clearance in Germany
  • discounts depending on the value of the order
  • support of an individual customer service person

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